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By Megan Stockton

Noah, Jack, and Phil have been friends since college. Every week they have a guy's night where they watch an insane, gross, disturbing movie.

One of the guys finds himself with insider information for about an exclusive club that features a realistic, emersive torture simulation, he's quick to bring his friends up to speed. Together, they set out for a night of debauchery.

Not all is as it seems.

Upon arrival, they're given choices of scenes to pick. They quickly realize these aren't simulations. What transpires is nothing short of a nightmare. However, that's only the tip of the iceberg as the level of horror and depravity only escalates from there.

Will they be able to escape this underground world?

I've said it previously, Megan is a force to be reckoned with in the Indie Horror Community.

This is a lot more intense than Ethic or ...And Nobody Knows it But Me. If you've read Joshuah MacMillan's The Death House, you will thoroughly enjoy this.

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