By Matt Lutton
Ten Terrifying Tales To Tantalize The Tastebuds
Matthew Lutton has a twisted mind, for proof, look no farther than these ten tales that will have you flipping pages as fast as you can read them because you just have to know what's going to happen next.
A man takes his job several steps too far when he decides he wants to be in control.
A man who takes being nice to a whole other level, and not in a good way.
Why doesn't a small town near Death Valley celebrate Halloween? One man and his wife find out the hard way.
What if the girl you were dating had a brother who was very close to her?
When a woman finds herself unable to eat for fear she's being poisoned, what's really going on?
An act of defiance lands a man in considerable trouble.
A husband and wife adopt a young boy. What could possibly go wrong?
A man walks into a diner and orders a coffee…I can't tell you more, it'll ruin it.
A man is strapped to a table, but why?
There's a man, a woman, and a doctor. No, seriously, check it out!
This is the first book I've read by Matthew Lutton, and I've already got 10 Drink Minimum sitting next to me, ready to go.